Lead Testing in Schools and Child Care Facilities Drinking Water (LWSC) Program
The Oklahoma Lead Testing Program is a free, statewide initiative by DEQ to reduce lead exposure where children are cared for. Public schools and licensed child care facilities are eligible to participate in this program which provides free sampling and laboratory testing to identify lead in drinking water. If lead is found, DEQ can provide funding and guidance to assist with removing lead from a facility’s drinking water.
Lead was a common component of faucets and plumbing until 1986 when the allowable lead content was decreased as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act. the amount of allowable lead content was further reduced as recently as 2011 via the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. While these acts have helped reduce public exposure to lead, it is possible for homes, businesses, and schools to have lead-containing plumbing components that can add lead to drinking water. As lead is tasteless, colorless, and odorless in drinking water, the only way to know if lead is present is through testing.
For questions about the program or for assistance enrolling, please call (405) 440-3180, or email info@okleadtesting.org.
Click Here to Enroll for Free Lead TestingGeneral Information
Schools/ Child Care Facilities
Parents/Los Padres
Program Reports
Click the link below to view the most recent program statistics report that illustrates key program information and metrics such as total participants today, remediation measures taken, and sample results summaries. Reports are updated quarterly.
2024 LWSC Quarterly Report (Q4) (October-December 2024)
EPA’s Lead in Drinking Water Page
CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program