Lead-Based Paint
Online Forms
DEQ is pleased to announce the new online application/reporting system, nForm! The much-anticipated release of the new nForm online system means that Lead-Based Paint (LBP) and Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) applications may now be submitted online. The nForm system will allow you to:
- Electronically enter DEQ certification applications and supporting documents
- Pay online and print a receipt
- Benefit from quicker turnaround time
- Communicate directly with the DEQ through nForm
- Reduce errors, as required fields must be completed before the submission is accepted
- Track the status of an application/submission
- Reduce paperwork, since submissions are stored in nForm under the registered user account
- Print certificates from nForm after applications are approved – no more waiting for them to come in the mail!
- Note: Individual LBP ID cards will still be received through the mail
DEQ encourages all customers to use nForm for applications, reporting, and payments. To access the system, click the links below. For questions and assistance with using nForm, please call (405) 702-4100 and ask for a Lead-Based Paint team member.
nForm Home – to register for an account and search for forms
Air Forms – to view all LBP/RRP program forms
DEQ has created the following guidance and training videos to help users with nForm. Videos have been grouped in a Youtube playlist.
Certification Reminders
Here are the required items needed for each LBP application and the timeline for which each should be submitted to DEQ.
Initial Certification
- Complete initial application
- initial fees (unless claiming exemption)
- citizenship affidavit
- meet experience/education requirement
- initial class course completion certificate(s)
- pass certification exam
Certification: Date complete application and supporting documents are received/processed through March 31 or beginning following year starting April 1 through March 31 (note – initial course completion certificate expires 6 months after class was taken).[/su_note]
Renewal Certification
- Complete renewal application
- renewal fees (unless claiming exemption)
- renewal class course completion certificate
- quarterly reports for previous certification year
- OTC compliance
- If complete application and supporting documents are received between January 15 and April 30 – certification is from April 1 through March 31; if complete application and supporting documents are received later than April 30, see reinstatement certification information
Reinstatement Certification
Requirements: Within 1 year of expired certification:
- complete reinstatement application
- initial fees (unless claiming exemption)
- refresher course completion certificate (note – refresher course completion certificate expires 12 months after class was taken)
- quarterly reports for inactive year and previously certified year
- OTC compliance, reinstatement request letter
Certification: Date complete application and supporting documents are received/processed through March 31; if received outside of 1 year expiration, see initial certification information
Note: All certifications expire on March 31, regardless of certification start date. The cost of reinstatement is the same as initial certification fees. LBP Contractors can save half the cost if they recertify by the renewal deadline (April 30).
Background Checks: Criminal history is not considered when reviewing applications.

The Oklahoma Lead-Based Paint Management Act designates DEQ as the official agency for implementing the Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Management Program. The DEQ LBP and the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) programs oversee certification and re-certification of firms and contractors who work with lead-based paint or perform renovations in LBP potentially contaminated areas. This program also inspects work sites, enforces requirements where necessary, performs customer assistance and outreach, and offers public education regarding the health risks of lead-based paint.
Firms certified by EPA or another state will need to obtain certification from DEQ in order to operate in Oklahoma. Accreditation is required of all educational institutions that provide lead-based paint training for certification purposes. DEQ charges nonrefundable fees for certification and accreditation services.
Please contact the DEQ LBP program for more information.
LBP Factsheets
Playground Equipment and Lead-Based Paint Hazards
Choosing the Right Service: A Lead-Based Paint Inspection or Risk Assessment
Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)
Which Type of Certification is Needed: LBP or RRP?
LBP Regulations
OAC 252:110 Lead-Based Paint Management, which implements the OK Lead-Based Paint Management Act (Oklahoma Courts Network page, Please scroll to Chapter 2, Article XII)
Federal Lead-Based Paint Regulations (40 CFR 745) (Goes to EPA)