Oklahoma Clean Marina Program
Oklahoma Clean Marina Program (CMP) assists with ALL marinas in Oklahoma. Marinas may receive assistance in non-regulatory site assistance visits and aid in federal grants to install state regulated pump-out stations and restrooms to keep sewage out of our State waters. Marinas are like small businesses on the lakes, and they are the key factor to educate the public about water safety and clean water habits.
The Oklahoma Clean Marina Program (CMP) is a voluntary program open to all public and private marinas in Oklahoma. It was developed to protect Oklahoma’s precious water resources and wildlife habitat by promoting environmentally sound and economically feasible marina and boating best practices to reduce waste and prevent release of hazardous substances into Oklahoma’s waterways.
A key feature of the CMP is the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program (CVA). DEQ administers grants provided by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service through the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. The grant award will reimburse eligible marinas up to 75% of the cost of construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of pump-out stations and waste reception facilities for recreational boaters. The funds may also be used for educational programs to inform boaters of the importance of proper disposal of their sewage. The marina will cover the remaining 25% of the cost. Eligible projects include such things as building or renovating pump-out systems, building floating restrooms, or purchasing pump-out boats.
Cheryl Dirck, Environmental Programs Specialist
Department of Environmental Quality
Office of External Affairs
PO Box 1677
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677
Ph: (405) 702-8179
Information and ResourcesCertified Clean
MarinasMap of Historical
CMP ProjectsClean Vessel Act Grant
Information and ResourcesClean Vessel Act
Grant AwardeesMap of Historical
CVA Projects