Sign Up for Air Quality Notifications

The Air Quality Division uses GovDelivery to send email and mobile (SMS/text) notifications to interested parties. Email and text subscriptions are handled separately.

The Division sends notifications in the following categories:

Air Quality Health Advisories – Real-time alerts when air pollution levels become unhealthy for sensitive groups
Air Quality Public Notices – Notice of documents available for public review and/or comment
– Notice of public hearings/meetings
Air Quality Permits – Notice of permits for public review and other announcements (email only)
Air Quality Advisory Council – Notifications of Council meetings and associated public hearings
Volkswagen Settlement – Updates on DEQ’s work for the Volkswagen Settlement, including grant programs, public meetings, and Oklahoma’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan
Oklahoma Clean Diesel (DERA) – Announcements for this EPA-sponsored grant program funded under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA)
Oklahoma’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRGOK) New – Updates and announcements on DEQ’s work on Oklahoma’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRGOK)


Email and Text Updates
To sign up for updates or to edit your existing subscriber preferences, please click on the links below.

By default, Air Quality Health Advisories is preselected.

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