Emissions Inventory Trainings & Workshop

The Oklahoma Air Pollution Control Rules direct that annual emission inventories be submitted through DEQ’s approved electronic reporting system: SLEIS (State and Local Emission Inventory System). SLEIS is a web-based application that allows facilities to compile and submit point source emissions inventory data and inventory amendments. Minimum browser requirements for SLEIS are Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

Three introductory training videos have been created to assist SLEIS users in the steps necessary to register for a SLEIS account and how to navigate through and use SLEIS to create an annual emissions inventory.

A new version of SLEIS (3.3.0) was deployed in December 2024. Several significant enhancements were included in the new version to include: new reports, additional quality control, and a cloning feature. To learn more about these improvements and other 2024 reporting information, review the 2024 Emissions Reporting Updates and Guidance document listed below and watch the two SLEIS enhancements training videos.

Recordings from past Workshops and previous Reporting Updates documents are available for viewing below.

Subchapter 5 of OAC 252:100 directly governs the submission of Emissions Inventories. For any question or in any situation, the Air Quality Rules always apply.