Yellow Floating Hearts


Yellow floating heart is an invasive species that was originally cultivated for ornamental ponds. However, it has moved into our lakes and streams both accidentally and intentionally. This introduction has had serious impacts on the quality of water bodies and recreational areas.


Yellow floating heart closely resembles a water lily and grows very rapidly, covering a water body quickly. Most of the leaves are floating, but some can remain submerged causing competition throughout the entire water column.


If the mass of yellow floating heart becomes too large and dense, it can create stagnant, low oxygen conditions. This forces fish and other aquatic life to move while also increasing competition for space, sunlight, and nutrients among native plants. This impact also greatly impedes fishing, skiing, swimming, and boating activities.


Prevention is the key for management. Always clean, drain, and dry equipment, boats, and trailers that have potentially been in contact with yellow floating heart. For plants that are already established, management can be difficult. Physical or mechanical removal can suffice, but also greatly aids in dispersal. Dredging has been found ineffective because roots are missed and continue to survive. Chemical application has been successful but not long-lasting and could risk other aquatic organisms.