Stanley Draper Consumption Recommendations

Blue Catfish

   Sensitive Population    No advisory under 21 inches
   Two meals per month 21 – 31 inches
   Consumption not recommended 31 inches and over
   General Population    No advisory under 31 inches
   Two meals per month 31 inches and over

Flathead Catfish

   Sensitive Population    Two meals per month under 23 inches
   Consumption not recommended 23 inches and over
   General Population    No advisory under 23 inches
   Two meals per month 23 – 30 inches
   Consumption not recommended  30 inches and over

Largemouth Bass

   Sensitive Population    No advisory under 14 inches
   Two meals per month 14 – 19 inches
   Consumption not recommended 19 inches and over
   General Population    No advisory under 19 inches
   Two meals per month 19 inches and over

Spotted Bass

   Sensitive Population    No advisory under 12 inches
   Two meals per month 12 inches and over
   General Population    No advisory

White Bass

   Sensitive Population    No advisory under 12 inches
   Two meals per month 12 inches and over
   General Population    No advisory

Species Tested & Safe For Consumption

  • Bluegill Sunfish
  • Channel Catfish
  • Redear Sunfish
  • Walleye
  • White Crappie


Sensitive Population: Women of child bearing age, pregnant or nursing mothers, and children up to age 15
General Population: Males age 15 and older and women past childbearing age