Source Water Protection


Source water protection is the act of protecting the area around a source of drinking water from Potential Sources of Contamination (PSOCs). All sources of drinking water including groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are susceptible to various types and levels of contamination. It is important to understand what types of contamination are specific to your Source Water Protection Area (SWPA) in order to apply the best protection approach for your system’s drinking water source.

DEQ’s Source Water Protection (SWP) Program helps public water systems identify their SWPA and PSOCs to create a SWP Report outlining each systems unique contamination susceptibility. Once the report is complete, an appropriate SWP Action Plan can be designed and implemented to protect the system’s source water.

Contact Info

For more information about the source water protection program, or to sign up to participate, please contact the Capacity Development Section, at (405) 702-8100, or press the button bellow.

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