DEQ Certified Installers

Certified Installer Program

The Environmental Complaints and Local Services Division (ECLS) has administered the Certified Installer Program since November 1, 1998. This program certifies on-site system installers to inspect their own installations. The installers can install a system, perform the inspection, complete the final backfill and grading and leave the site without a DEQ inspection.

Individuals may become certified for the following systems: conventional/shallow extended/evapotranspiration-absorption (CSE), lagoons, low pressure dosing (LPD), aerobic treatment with spray irrigation, and aerobic treatment with drip irrigation.

Duties and Responsibilities of DEQ Certified Installers:
  • Ensure that an Authorization to Construct has been issued before construction begins.
  • Prior to construction, notify the local DEQ Office of the time, date, and location of the installation.
  • Submit an accurate, completed DEQ form number 641-576AS (final inspection) to the local DEQ office within ten (10) working days of system completion.
  • Install on-site systems in accordance with Chapter 641.
  • Maintain records of all systems installed.

DEQ Form number 641-576AS is not official unless signed by a DEQ representative.

For a listing of DEQ Licensed Septage Pumpers and Transporters click here
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Call (405)702-6100 or email ECLS Onsite Licensing

Certified Installer List click here

For more information about the Oklahoma Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA), please click on the link below.