Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)
Memorandums of Agreement (MOA)

Modification of MOA changing the grantee from Carey Johnson Oil Company to Francis Solar (part 2)12/23/20199/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Francis Solar (part 3)12/18/20199/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Francis Solar (part 4)12/23/20199/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Oklahoma City Community College12/23/20199/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
City of Comanche12/1/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
ASAP Energy Inc (Weatherford)12/1/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
ASAP Energy Inc (Duncan)12/1/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Excel Food Mart Inc12/1/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Green Energy Solutions LLC12/1/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Francis Energy LLC12/10/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
City of Perry12/10/20209/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
City of Perry3/5/20219/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.This Addendum A Corrects the Reimbursement Amount Offered to the City of Perry Oklahoma
City of Perry12/10/20206/30/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.This Addendum B agrees to complete all purchases and EVSE installations and submit all invoices for reminbursement
City of Comanche4/19/20226/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Awardee to install level 3, also known as Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”), and/or level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (“EVSE”) in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The Charge OK Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Anadarko Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Battiest Public Schools2/10/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Bethany Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Chattanooga Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Cordell Public Schools2/10/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Davenport Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Empire Public Schools3/20/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Gans Public School2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Keys School District2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Ponca City Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Wellston Public Schools2/12/20209/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Fort Towson Pubic Schools4/7/20209/1/2020The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Davenport Public Schools Addendum A2/12/202012/1/2020The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Enid Public Schools (Addendum A)2/20/202011/16/2020The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Fort Towson Pubic Schools4/7/20201/15/2021The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Keystone Public schools3/5/202110/1/2023The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Nashoba Public Schools3/5/202110/1/2023The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Cameron Public Schools3/5/202110/1/2023The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Lexington Public Schools3/2/20229/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Blanchard Public Schools3/2/20229/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Yukon Public Schools4/14/20229/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Commerce Public Schools8/25/202212/1/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Mustang Public Schools8/25/20225/31/2023The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Anadarko Public Schools9/6/20229/1/2024The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Lexington Public Schools11/10/202212/23/2022The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Yukon Public Schools12/21/20221/31/2023The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.Addendum A
Woodall Public Schools4/6/20239/1/2025The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Bethany Public Schools4/25/202310/1/2025The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Cave Springs Public Schools4/25/202310/1/2025The purpose of this MOA is to provide financial assistance in order for the Awardee to replace and/or repower eligible diesel vehicles to reduce Nitrogen Oxides.The Alternative Fuel School Bus Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Hiland Dairy Foods Company, LLC3/4/20246/30/2026DEQ is seeking projects to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions by repowering or replacing equipment in 4 non-road categories. Equipment potentially eligible are freight switchers; ferries or tugs; airport ground support equipment; and forklifts and port cargo handling equipment.The Non-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Roll Offs of America, Inc2/29/20246/30/2026DEQ is seeking projects to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions by repowering or replacing equipment in 4 non-road categories. Equipment potentially eligible are freight switchers; ferries or tugs; airport ground support equipment; and forklifts and port cargo handling equipment.The Non-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Tinker Air Force Base3/15/20245/31/2026DEQ is seeking projects to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions by repowering or replacing equipment in 4 non-road categories. Equipment potentially eligible are freight switchers; ferries or tugs; airport ground support equipment; and forklifts and port cargo handling equipment.The Non-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
GasTech Engineering, LLC3/15/20245/31/2026DEQ is seeking projects to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions by repowering or replacing equipment in 4 non-road categories. Equipment potentially eligible are freight switchers; ferries or tugs; airport ground support equipment; and forklifts and port cargo handling equipment.The Non-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Midwest City, City of3/16/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
A&A Trucking, Inc3/16/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Stroud, City of3/16/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Sysco Oklahoma, LLC3/23/20215/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Atlas-Tuck Concrete, Inc3/23/20215/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Moore, City of3/23/20215/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Lawton, City of4/1/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Norman, City of4/1/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Tulsa, City of4/1/20218/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Oklahoma City Environmental Assistance Trust4/20/20216/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Canadian County District 14/20/20216/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
City of Elk City5/4/20216/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority6/29/20216/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Sysco Oklahoma, LLC6/12/20236/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Elk City, City of6/30/20236/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Moore, City of7/7/20236/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority7/7/20236/30/2025The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Tulsa, City of7/7/20236/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Elk City, City of4/5/20246/30/2025The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursement to replace or repower eligible on-road diesel fueled Class 4-8 trucks and shuttle or transit buses with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles in the State of Oklahoma to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”).The On-Road Program is funded by the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, of which the State of Oklahoma is a beneficiary, and is operated in accordance with the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries (State Trust Agreement) and the Oklahoma Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. The Department of Environmental Quality was designated as Lead Agency within the meaning of the State Trust Agreement through Executive Order 2017-33, effective October 30, 2017.
Bishop Public Schools2/10/20209/20/2020The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Enid Public Schools2/20/20209/30/2020The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Noble Public Schools2/24/20209/1/2020The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Zaneis Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Talihina Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Shady Grove Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Kingfisher Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Fairland Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Enid Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Central High Public Schools3/5/20211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Cave Springs Public Schools3/16/20219/30/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Allen Public Schools3/16/20219/30/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Mustang Public Schools3/16/20219/30/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Taloga Public Schools3/16/20219/30/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Mannford Public Schools3/23/20219/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Yukon Public Schools3/23/20219/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Miami Public Schools3/23/20219/30/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Claremore Public Schools3/30/20219/1/2021The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Mustang Public Schools2/28/20224/1/2011The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Stigler Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Commerce Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Lawton Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Central High Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Colbert Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Temple Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Cave Springs Public Schools3/7/20225/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum B
Bennington Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Howe Public Schools3/7/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Pawnee Public Schools4/12/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Stillwater Public Schools4/12/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Mustang Public Schools4/12/20229/1/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Mustang Public Schools5/6/20225/31/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum B
Stillwater Public Schools8/11/20223/1/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Colbert Public Schools10/10/202212/30/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Pawnee Public Schools11/17/202211/30/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Bennington Public Schools11/17/202212/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Blanchard Public Schools11/17/202212/31/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Central High Public Schools11/17/202211/15/2022The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Howe Public Schools11/17/20221/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum A
Colbert Public Schools2/21/20232/28/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Adendum B
Yukon Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Fairland Public Schools3/20/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Heavener Public Schools3/23/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Elk City Public Schools3/23/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Central High Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Guthrie Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Colbert Public Schools3/15/20234/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum C
Cleveland Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Choctaw Nicoma Parks Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Bishop Public Schools3/15/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Sand Springs Public Schools4/6/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Lexington Public Schools4/6/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Catoosa Public Schools4/6/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Howe Public Schools4/25/20234/30/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum B
Bishop Public Schools4/25/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Rock Creek Public Schools4/25/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Stillwater Public Schools4/25/20235/1/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum B
Howe Public Schools5/12/20236/1/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).Addendum C
Mustang Public Schools7/7/20238/31/2023The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Broken Arrow Public Schools7/14/20239/1/2024The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance in order for Sub grantee to replace diesel engine vehicles to reduce certain air pollutants.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal awarding agency of the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Grant Program and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is the Recipient awarded said grant by EPA. The Department of Environmental Quality may accept and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions of the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, pursuant to 27A O.S. § 2-5-105(12).
Oklahoma Tax Commission11/25/20247/1/2027The purpose of the MOA is to aid in the implementation of the Oklahoma Emission Reduction Technology Incentive Act.The Oklahoma Emission Reduction Technology Incentive Act, codified at 68 O.S. §§ 55006, et seq ("Act") became effective on July 1, 2022 , and has a current sunset date of July 1, 2027. DEQ had codified rules regarding the implementation of the ACT at OAX Title 252: 100-49-1, et seq.