Message From the Executive Director

The past year has been a time of change for our agency, but as always, we remain dedicated to protecting public health and the environment for you.

The first change you may notice is the appearance of a new face on this page. After more than ten years as executive director and nearly 40 years in public service, Scott Thompson has retired. I am honored to have been chosen as DEQ’s next executive director, and I intend to use this transition as an opportunity for growth and improvement for the agency. DEQ has an excellent foundation, and it is my goal to build on what we have already accomplished.

To that end, we have created a new program, the Office of Grant and Funding Resources. This office will be tasked with assisting entities throughout the state to take advantage of the multitude of funding opportunities that are available for projects that help protect or improve human health and the environment across all environmental media (air, land, and water). This group will help entities navigate these funding opportunities regardless of whether the funding program is administered by DEQ or other state or federal agencies.

DEQ received funding from the legislature to construct a new parking garage. This project has been in the works for a while, and we are excited to see it come to fruition. Demolition of the old garage is scheduled to begin in 2025 with construction immediately following. In addition to meeting the agency’s parking needs, the new structure will increase employee safety and add to the overall aesthetic of downtown Oklahoma City.

Once again, I am honored to be the executive director of such a wonderful agency. This is a role for which I have a great deal of respect, and I take this responsibility very seriously. DEQ is an exceptional place to work, full of dedicated people who make Oklahoma a wonderful place to live. I am proud of our employees’ perseverance and innovation, and I look forward to guiding the agency to new heights in the years to come.


Rob Singletary