Wastewater Reporting Requirements

Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)

The CWA and NPDES regulations require permitted facilities to monitor the quality of their wastewater discharge and report these wastewater monitoring data to their permitting authority on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR).  Additionally, the Electronic Reporting Rule now requires various reports required under the NPDES program to be reported electronically.  DEQ has implemented an Electronic Reporting System (ERS) and Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reporting (E2) application to allowing permitted facilities to submit DMRs.

Electronic Reporting Instructions & Documentation

Guide to Preparing eDMRs (Power Point Presentation)

Guide to Preparing Sludge DMRs (Power Point Presentation)

Guide to Preparing Biomonitoring DMRs (Power Point Presentation)

DMR Worksheets (MS Excel Files)

Biosolids Certification Statement Forms (MS Word Files)


Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)

Municipal Sanitary Sewer Overflows/Bypasses (SSO’s) are to be reported to DEQ will the following procedure.  Failure to report the bypass and follow up with a written report (within 5 business days) is seen as a violation of the facilities permit.

  1. Notification should be first by phone within 48 hrs!  Contact Melvin Tucker at (800) 256-2365 or (405) 702-8217.  If necessary, please leave a message with the details of the bypass (include amount of bypass, duration of bypass, cause of the bypass and steps to correct the situation).
  2. Follow up within five (5) days by completing the Self Reporting Wastewater Bypass Form (pdf)
Reclaimed Water Reporting (MOR)
DMR Quality Assurance Laboratory Certification Program

Each year, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiates a Discharge Monitoring Report – Quality Assurance Study Program (DMR-QA). Major and select minor permittees under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program are required to participate. The State of Oklahoma has been issued a waiver of participation, but only when a facility partakes in the state’s Laboratory Accreditation Program. The purpose of the DMR-QA Study is to evaluate a laboratory’s ability to accurately perform chemistry, microbiology, and Whole Effluent Toxicity testing required by NPDES permits. Permittees are responsible for requesting that their laboratories test parameters included in their NPDES permit and the DMR-QA Study. It is imperative that any unacceptable test results are investigated by the laboratory and a successful retest is completed. Another vital requirement of the DMR-QA Study is to submit the NPDES Permittee Data Report Form, Lab List, and Analyte Checklists. Collectively, these tasks ensure that data received on Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) is reliable and accurate.

The Oklahoma state coordinator for the DMR-QA Study Program is Lynzie Chan.
She can be reached by e-mail at Lynzie.Chan@deq.ok.gov, or by telephone at (405) 702-8243.

Email Wastewater Compliance Electronic Reporting System (ERS) eDMR System (E2)
Enforcement Coordinators

Industrial North
Angela Ratcliff
(405) 702-8146

Industrial South
Sheri McGuire
(405) 702-8243

Municipal North
Charles Garcia
(405) 702-8220

Municipal South
Wayne Morey
(405) 702-8138

Sanitary Sewer Overflows
Bypass Coordinator
(405) 702-8217

Bio-Monitoring & Toxicity
Bob Battles
(405) 702-8201