Small Quantity Generator FAQ
Write CANCEL on the invoice and mail it to DEQ. Invoices cannot be canceled based on a phone call. You will also need to change your notification of regulated waste activity form using a RCRA Subtitle C Notification Form (EPA Form 8700-12) to reflect your current generator status. The form may be downloaded from DEQ’s Web Page.
If you generate over 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month, including spent solvents being recycled on-site, you are required to have an EPA ID No as a SQG. Your disposal site may have completed the form for you, but as the generator of the waste, are responsible for ensuring payment of the reduced Oklahoma Compliance and Monitoring fee. The fee is due upon notification as a SQG. Renewals will be mailed thereafter the month before the anniversary of notification, with the due date the anniversary month of the original notification.
To change information you will need to change your notification of regulated waste activity form using a RCRA Subtitle C Notification Form (EPA Form 8700-12) to reflect your current information. The form may be downloaded from DEQ’s Web Page, or a written request on company letterhead. EPA will not allow this information to be changed based on a phone call or email.
If your company has moved, you will need to get a new EPA Id No. for the new location. To do this you need to complete and submit the notification of regulated waste activity form (RCRA Subtitle C Notification Form (EPA Form 8700-12) located on DEQ’s Web Page. EPA will not allow this information to be changed based on a phone call or email. You should also complete and submit a modified form for the old location indicating you have moved/closed.
There are no reporting requirements for SQGs or conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs)in Oklahoma unless they become episodic large quantity generators (LQGs). Episodic LQGs must obtain an Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Disposal Plan , submit required fees, and ensure they meet the LQG regulations for that generation period.
Call Accounts Receivable 405-702-1130. The FEI# appears in the upper right corner of your invoice below the DEQ mailing address.
Call Accounts Receivable 405-702-1130