Hazardous Waste Forms and Checklists
RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form (EPA Form 8700-12)
Federal Hazardous Waste Codes are found in 40 CFR 261 Subpart C (40 CFR 261.20 – 24) and Subpart D (40 CFR 261.30 – 33) or by characteristic (Subpart C) or by listing (Subpart D).
ALL FEES should accompany the form(s) along with a check or money order, made out to DEQ, and be mailed to:
DEQ Finance, ATTN: Accounts Receivable, P.O. Box 2036, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2036.
Or to pay over the phone call the DEQ Accounts Receivable Help Desk at (405) 702-1130.
COMPLETED FORMS and related fees should be made out to DEQ and sent to:
DEQ Finance, ATTN: Accounts Receivable, P.O. Box 2036, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2036.
Or to pay over the phone call the DEQ Accounts Receivable Help Desk at (405) 702-1130.
Hazardous Waste Transporter Registration
- Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Material Transporters are required to register with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC). Please contact the Hazardous Waste Licensing office at OCC if you have any questions (405) 521-2915
- Hazardous Waste Transporters can obtain an EPA ID Number by completing a RCRA Subtitle C Site ID Form (EPA Form 8700-12)
- Please contact Kevin Courtney if you have any questions regarding obtaining an EPA ID Number
Hazardous Waste Monthly Reports and Quarterly Payments
Required of all permitted TSD Facilities
Hazardous Waste Monthly Reports have moved to online reporting.
The online reporting tool can be found at the following link: (Insert link here)
A User Guide for completing these online reports can be found by clicking here.
Click here for a blank monthly report form that can be uploaded into the reporting tool.
For any questions related to the submittal of monthly reports or quarterly payments using the online tool, please contact Carol Bartlett or Kevin Courtney at (405)702-5100 or hazwastereports@deq.ok.gov.
Part A Application (EPA Form 8700-23)
EPA Hazardous Waste Permit Application Part A Form (EPA Form 8700-23) and Form Instructions
If you need to look up the NAICS code for your facility, CLICK HERE. This form cannot be completed using Acrobat Reader and is best viewed in Acrobat Version 6 or higher.
Once completed, this form should be sent to the DEQ, Attention: Hillary Young
2023 Biennial Report Forms and Instructions
The State of Oklahoma is consistent with the Federal Regulations and requires Biennial Reports (also known as the Hazardous Waste Report) every other year [40 CFR 262.41 and 264.75] for any facility who meets the definition of a RCRA Large Quantity Generator (LQG) for any month during the collection year (odd years) and TSDF’s (including TSDF’s in closure and post closure). The Biennial Report covers odd numbered calendar years, and is due by March 1st of even numbered years, (the 2023 Report will be due March 1, 2024). A notice will be mailed January 2024 explaining how to complete the forms.
- 2023 Biennial Report form and instructions
- RCRAInfo Industry Application Help and Guidance
- Electronic Biennial Report
- Biennial Report FAQs
If you have questions about the 2023 Biennial Report contact Kevin Courtney at (405) 702-5194
Permitting Checklists
- RCRA Permitting Checklist which includes all STATE requirements
- Part B Application
- Storage Tank Permitting Checklist
- Containers Storage Permitting Checklist
- Waste Piles Permitting Checklist
- Landfill Permitting Checklist
- Incinerator Permitting Checklist
- 40 CFR 264 Subpart AA Permitting Checklist
- 40 CFR 264 Subpart BB Permitting Checklist
- Corrective Action Management Unit
- Solid Waste Management Unit Permitting Checklist
- Miscellaneous Units Permitting Checklist
- Transfer Station Permitting Checklist
- Land Treatment Permitting Checklist
- Surface Impoundment Permitting Checklist
- 40 CFR 264 Subpart DD Permitting Checklist
- Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan Outline
- Model Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan from the Ohio EPA
Inspection Forms
- Inspection Record
- TSD Landfill
- Storage Tank Inspection Checklist
- Containment Building Inspection Checklist
- Drip Pad
- Large Quantity Generator Inspection Checklist
- Small Quantity Generator Inspection Checklist
- Very Small Quantity Generator Inspection Checklist
- Subpart CC Summary
- TSD Groundwater Monitoring
- TSD General
- Used Oil Checklist