Environmental Management, Inc.

EPA ID No: OKD982293334



5200 NE Highway 33

Guthrie, OK  73044

Facility Contact:


Terry Bobo

(405) 282-8510

Environmental Management, Inc. is a 10-day Transfer Station  with a DEQ-approved Design and Operations Plan in accordance with Oklahoma Administrative Code 252:205-15-1. The company’s services include emergency response, site remediation, hazardous and solid waste management, and many other services. When handling hazardous wastes from large and small quantity generators, EMI may store those wastes temporarily (less than 10 days) at its Guthrie facility. The company also collects hazardous wastes from conditionally exempt small quantity generators for consolidation, treatment, and/or recycling at its Guthrie facility.

NOTE: some of the permit files may take some time to download because of their size.