Mercury Program

About DEQ’s Mercury Program:A picture of liquid mercury

DEQ’s mercury program provides a service to citizens of Oklahoma to collect, store, and recycle household mercury and mercury containing items.  Mercury-containing devices in households can include thermometers, thermostats, barometers, switches, irons, pressure-sensing devices, and blood pressure measuring devices.

Who to Contact:

For more information on DEQ’s Mercury Program contact – Jon Reid, Steven Gunnels, or Tommy Holbrook

Mercury Program Documents:

Mercury Resources:

Where to Recycle Mercury (click to expand)
Name Location Light Bulbs Mercury Mercury Thermostat
Batteries Plus Bulbs x
CFL Lamp Recycling Directory   x
Easypak Sustainable Program **Mail in Service x x
Environmental Management 5200 NE Highway 33, Guthrie, OK x
Home Depot Stores x
Locke Supply x
Lowe’s Stores x
Mercury Technologies of Minnesota **Mail in Service x
Midwest City Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility 8726 SE 15th St, Midwest City, OK x x x
OKC Household Hazardous Waste Facility 1621 S Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK x x x
Thermostat Recycling **Mail in Service x
Tulsa Household Pollutant Collection Facility 4502 S Galveston, Tulsa, OK x x