DEQ Releases Water Loss Program Report
For Immediate Release: August 16, 2021
Media Contact: Erin Hatfield, (405) 437.8468 or
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released a report detailing the economic impact of Oklahoma’s Water Loss Auditing and Control Program. The report was prepared by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to provide information on the program, its financial and environmental impact, and to highlight some of the communities that have successfully completed audits.
The Water Loss Auditing and Control Program began in 2015. Since that time, DEQ has performed 211 free water loss audits for 165 systems throughout the state and identified 9.9 billion gallons of water loss.
“The impact of the water loss audit program on communities throughout the state has been tremendous. The completed audits have resulted in millions of dollars in savings, and considering many Oklahoma towns face budgetary challenges, the ability to identify financial savings is critical to continued growth and the protection of public health,” said DEQ Water Quality Division Director Shellie Chard.
The Oklahoma Rural Water Association has partnered with DEQ on this project to take the results of DEQ’s audit and conduct leak detection and meter analysis. This information helps the system to repair leaks and/or replace inaccurate meters.
“Throughout the past year, we’ve seen that every $1 invested into the water and wastewater industry provides an even greater return on that investment, which is directly correlated to conducting water loss audits on Oklahoma systems, conserving resources, and therefore allowing economic growth,” said Jimmy Seago, ORWA Deputy CEO.
For more information on the report, go to:
For more information on the Water Loss Auditing and Control Program, go to: