Third Annual Green Schools Summit Set For May 15

For Immediate Release: May 11, 2017
Contact: Erin Hatfield (405) 702-7119 or (405) 437-8468

Santa Fe South Charter School, located at 100 SE 46th Street in Oklahoma City, will host schools from across the state for the Oklahoma Green Schools Summit on Monday, May 15, 2017. The Summit is the largest annual event focused on greening efforts in Oklahoma schools.

Approximately 100 students representing 14 different schools throughout Oklahoma will be attending and presenting the accomplishments of their individual school with support from their teachers and green team leaders. Along with student presentations, there will be tours of Santa Fe South Charter School’s aquaponics system, greenhouse, vegetable gardens, bee-keeping and chicken projects. Representatives from more than 10 Oklahoma organizations will be on- hand to provide resources for schools interested in continuing and expanding their greening efforts.

The keynote speakers will be Kathy Jackson from SpirtWind Kidz Ranch and Michelle Rodriguez-Pico from OG&E. Both speakers are wind energy professionals and plan to discuss wind energy in Oklahoma and ways that schools can incorporate the use of wind energy.

The Oklahoma Green Schools program is a statewide effort to bring free environmental expertise to schools with the goal of creating greener and healthier places to learn while conserving resources and saving money. The program offers hands-on inquiry-based investigations in energy, environmental quality, school site, waste and recycling, and water. Students are encouraged to become school auditors and leaders, inspiring them to take responsibility for improving the environment at their school, home and in their community.

For additional information on the Summit or Green Schools, go to
